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Cat. GG-12-1.5-Laminin: 12mm diameter, #1.5 thickness, 60 pieces of CE certified crystal clear German glass coverslips with mouse Laminin coating over PDL layer on both sides of coverslips for cell culture and confocal fluorescence microscopy, sealed 15 pieces per bag x 4 = 60, sterilized, ready to use. The size of this coverslip is small, only 12mm in diameter, and is readily put into 24 well plates. A user manual is provided with this coverslip, which teaches you a method how to remove coverslips from small wells after your cell culture.

GG-12-1.5-Laminin, 12mm dia.#1.5 thick 60 pc Laminin coated German coverslips

SKU: GG-12-15-Laminin
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